I often have these random worries that wander in and out of my head and I thought, who better to share them with than you? I also then thought that as a favor to you I keep the sharing of said worries to one day a week. So, welcome to the first ‘Wednesday Worries’.
This week I have two random worries. The first is, how I am going to shave once my belly gets big. Am I going to have to have Brian do it? Should I just spend the money and get waxed? (Ugh, yet another thing to spend money on!) I guess I could test out a few of my friendships and see if I can get one of my girlfriends to shave my legs. HaHa. Or I could just use this as an excuse not to shave at all…it will be winter after all.
And the second is, what if I can’t get my shoes on? I wear tennis shoes everyday because I hate to have my feet hurt or be cold in the winter and I am having visions me bending in all sorts of weird ways in order to get them on my feet. Otherwise, I think I am going to have to ask Brian to help me put on my shoes every day. Maybe I will buy a long handled shoe horn so that I can shove my feet in the tennis shoes without bending the heals. And that reminds me, I need to go buy new tennis shoes, which I hate. It always takes forever to find a pair that fits my feet the way I like. (Side note: attention shoe manufactures, please make arch supports higher.)
Am I going to have to switch to slip-ons? Am I going to have to wear flip flops…starting in like March? Brrrr! That means I will have to wear toe socks (which, by the way, I totally would) but that means I will have to get them on. And isn’t that just as hard, if not harder, then getting on shoes? Or if I don’t want to wear socks I would have to do my toenails.
Ohhhh, wait…
Pedicures! I think I just figured this all out.
This doesn’t address the cold feet problem but it does allow for pedicures, I guess we all have to make sacrifices. ;o)
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