Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Worry Wart Wednesday

I can’t figure out why/how I can go from picking out a name and then in the span of like a week, doubt my choice.

One day Brian and I are talking about names and find ones we both like, so great, done. Then, out of nowhere, starts the well, what if… What if the name is dumb? What if I don’t like it in 3 years? What if the baby doesn’t look like the name? Should we pick a different middle name? Should we pick a different first name? Is it too long? Why is this turning into such a big deal!!?? We have names we like (one boy and one girl, a couple of girl names actually) so why now am I second guessing myself? It’s a name; it doesn’t have to be perfect. For that matter, if I totally hate it later, there are name change forms. But it still feels like a big deal.

This feeling is not limited to names. I am finding that it extends to, well, everything. Which bottles are the best, how do I pick a breast pump, which diapers do I use, how do I pick the right car seat? How many baby t-shirts will I need, how fast will they grow out of stuff, do I really need 700 blankets?

And why am I in such a bad mood today? I don’t want to be at work, I don’t want to be at home.


  1. You do not need 700 blankets! There are a lot of things you don't need and a few that you absolutely will need. They grow out of stuff very fast, certainly do not go crazy buying 0 - 3 month stuff and when you register, don't forget about the other sizes. People tend to buy you all the small sizes because they are so cute. I suggest you and Brian wait to buy clothes until you find out what you have and what exactly you need.

    Pam, get used to it because from here on out, you will be second guessing everything you do. It does not stop during the pregnancy.

  2. Oh yea, and if you want to, you should change your email setting to public. That way when you post on other blogs, people can respond to you through email. Also, people can contact you through your profile on your blog.

    Start entering giveaways to get some baby stuff! I am cutting back on my reviews/giveaways, so much work!
